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Ordre militaire suprême des Templiers

“Non Nobis Domine” (Not to Us, O Lord, but to Your name give glory) –Psalm 115
In God We Trust
Templar Knights Music
Christian Rock and Songs you would not expect
An OMSDT Radio Station
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:19

Monday, and Thursday - Classic Rock
Tuesday and Saturday - Christian Rock
Wednesday and Friday - Christian Mix
Sunday - Gospel

KTKM-DB Founder/Owner: Rick j Trujillo
Station Manager : Amanda Moreno

Internet Radio Uniform Callsign
©2025 templarknightsmusic
“Non Nobis Domine” (Not to Us, O Lord, but to Your name give glory) –Psalm 115
“Non Nobis Domine” (Not to Us, O Lord, but to Your name give glory) –Psalm 115
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