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 Our Mission

"And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth" 2 samuel 23:4

We all know the mission of the original Knights Templar was to protect the traveling Christian pilgrims and defend the Holy sites of Israel. The Templars were strong in their beliefs and were known for their military prowess and their ability to protect and defend. 

While we are not able to do that in the physical sense today, we can accomplish that mission of protecting and defending Christians by using today's methods; partnering with an organization that does support and give aid to persecuted Christians.

Although there are a variety of many good Christian charities, our Order will partner with Open Doors USA, as our preferred charity, becoming "Frontline Partners".  Frontline Partners ( )  is a program wherein a monthly monetary commitment is made for the organization to use in their many ways of assisting persecuted Christians. As Frontline Partners, we stand with persecuted Christians by helping wherever support is needed most; through programs such as trauma counseling, safe houses, providing Bibles, emergency aid, rebuilding of churches and more! This is part of our Order's mission and motto.

Along with our monthly monetary commitment, our members assist Open Doors USA® by sending post cards and writing emails to persecuted Christians across the world, as well as being advocates and social media influencers for the organization.

Although there are a variety of worthy Christian charities with which to become involved, Open Doors USA® best reflects the original mission of the Knights Templar.

In addition to supporting Open Doors USA®,  local Priories engage in service projects that benefit their local community. Priory members tap into their members' own skill sets and see where they can assist community organizations using those skills.

It will take men and women with the courage of true knights to stand up and be counted. Taking a stand for what is right in our families, community, and nation. It means being part of an ancient Holy order that has been around for 900 years. It takes dedicated Christian men and women who possess a strong desire to glorify God through fighting today's evils of society. Our mission is the same today as it was 900 years defend those who cannot defend themselves and spread the message of God. Spreading the message of Jesus, the word of God and keeping his tenets.Together we can make a difference in the world and support of our fellow Christians.


Having a clear mission and a statement of that mission as Defenders of the Faith is important. Partnering with local charities in addition to Open Doors USA® gives us a purpose. Because together we can make a difference in the world by supporting our fellow Christians and sharing the love of God.


“Non Nobis Domine”  (Not to Us, O Lord, but to Your name give glory) –Psalm 115

“Non Nobis Domine”  (Not to Us, O Lord, but to Your name give glory) –Psalm 115


© 2025 O.M.S.D.T.  | Powered by O.M.S.D.T Knights Templar 

OMSDT Knights Templar, we are a not-for-profit Religious Organization section 501-(C)(3).

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